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Rodzaj apartamentu

Sezon niski 1.11.2024 - 31.03.2025*

Sezon wysoki 1.04.2025 - 31.10.2025*

Apartament 1-osobowy

260 zł

300 zł

Apartament 2-osobowy

260 zł

300 zł

Apartament 3-osobowy

310 zł

350 zł

Apartament 4-osobowy

410 zł

450 zł

      * Ceny nie dotyczą długich weekendów i dni świątecznych.

Apartment type

Low Season 1.02.2025 - 31.03.2025*

High Season 1.04.2025 - 30.09.2025*

Single Apartment

260 PLN

350 PLN

Double Apartment

260 PLN

350 PLN

3-person Apartment

310 PLN

400 PLN

4-person Apartment

400 PLN

450 PLN

      *Prices do not apply to long weekends and holidays.


Basic Information:

Hotel Stay Duration - 15:00 - 11:00

Check-in and Check-out outside the hotel stay hours must be confirmed by the staff, additional fees may apply.

Individual key collection by Guests according to the provided instructions (key box) after prior prepayment for the stay via bank transfer.

In the apartments, there is a ban on smoking and organizing parties or events. Quiet hours are from 22:00 to 6:00.

Additional Fees: parking 60 PLN/night, child over 3 years old 50 PLN/night.

Pets are accepted upon agreement with the property. Additional fees may apply.

Baby crib available upon request. The possibility of using a baby crib depends on availability.



Address of the Apartments

ul. Kapelanka 6a

Kraków, 30-347

Company Name


Piotr Sawicki Polhaus

ul. Słoneczna 19

32-089 Wielka Wieś

NIP: 6351368266


+48 797 739 502

